Much modified Suzuki Samurai off-roader.
This car had extensive modifications and was great fun in the rough.
215x15 Technic Tracker tyres on white 8 spoke wheels
(for additional ground clearance under diffs. and larger tyre 'footprint')
Wheel spacers
(to increase track for better stability)
Body Lift
(for additional bodywork ground & wheel-arch clearance)
SJ410 transfer box
(for lower gearing in low box & to offset the effect of larger tyres on gearing)
SU Carburettor
(for better torque at low engine speeds)
Land Meter
(Bit of gimmick but shows pitch and roll angles)
Roll Cage
(for passenger protection in the unlikely event of a roll over)
Custom made bumpers, front & rear
(Designed to enable use of
high-lift jack direct to the bumpers)
As I had no intentions of using the vehicle on public roads, headlights and other vulnerable fitments had been removed. The next owner had it back on the road soon after purchasing from me.